Graphics & Webdesign
You only have a couple seconds to make a good first impression. The site has to be easy to use, readable, compliant with different devices (web and mobile). A well thought design is a powerful asset to achieve success.
The brand identity of a project is part of its success. That's how you have users and clients remember and identify your project clearly among competition.Graphic identity has a big role to play in communication strategy, as it eases recognition and message delivery.
The aim is to be clearly identified by customers or partners, draw attention thus making it easier to communicate. It is composed of graphic elements like shapes, colors, typography, logotype, documents templates, business cards and any communication support.
Graphic Identity

Graphic identity is important because it immediatly reveals your values, your activity and your expectations. It's part of the communication strategy, as it is an efficient way to get visibility and recognition from clients and partners. This is why NokéWeb can upgrade of recreate a professional graphic identity, for logo, website or offline communication (business cards, flyers, booklets).

The logotype (logo) is an item that has to be thoughtfully worked out because it will like a company ID. It has to be explicit, memorable, unmistakable. A good logo is when good communication starts. NokéWeb pays particular attention to logo design and can offer different logo mockups for a project.
Flash and gif banners
Banners are important communication tools. It has to be easily understood and gather users attention at the same time. It also has to be compliant to different browsers. NokéWeb creates banners that are both efficient and attractive to ensure the impact of your communication campaigns.
Newsletters, kakemono and print
When promoting a service or product, you also need business cards, leaflets or other offline material. NokéWeb deals with all aspects of visual communication : newsletters, ads, business cards, kakemono, point of sale.